I am honored as President of Dianis Education Systems, LLC to present you with educational help and proven solutions for learning issues, through The Dianis Method detailed in Don’t Count Me Out!, Grade Transformer for the Modern Student Early High School Edition, and Grade Transformer for the Modern Student Upper High School Edition. I too, had learning problems throughout my educational years. My parents tried everything that was available to help me learn. I attended many summer schools, had a number of private tutors and they all tried to help me. However, their teaching strategies were all the same and really did not improve my situation. If my parents, would have had the knowledge and solutions, that are now available to you in the book series detailing The Dianis Method. They could have alleviated many heart aches. My Dad was President of the School Board, and when I graduated 8th grade as President of the School Board he handed me my diploma. My parents kept telling me I was bright, and had me work in their businesses. They took the time teaching me all aspects of owning and running a business. After college, I left my parents businesses and entered into a very successful business career and became a Vice-President of an apparel corporation.
Our daughter Barbara was diagnosed with Dyslexia, which impacted her class room performance. As a parent, I saw her talent, and we constantly encouraged her, even when the educational system told us the opposite. We taught Barbara self- pacing, organizational, self- management skills and changed her internal time clock, which allowed her to be a more effective student. We also started her at an early age working in our business and teaching her the insights to business. She started applying these strategies to her learning and school work. Eventually, she started self- teaching herself with these PROVEN solutions that changed her educational status from near failure to the National Deans’ List. Barbara’s purpose and passion are to help struggling students to succeed. She graduated college with a BA in Education and Special Education, grades Pre- Kindergarten through High School, continuing on to complete her master’s degree in Special Education. Barbara’s 22 years success rate is unparalleled in the Special Educational field in helping parents and their struggling student to succeed. Dianis Educational Systems LLC, book series Home Learning Program is dedicated to help change lives of both the student and the parents, who have children with Learning Difference, LD, Dyslexia, Attention Deficit Disorder, ADD, ADHD, Struggling Students and students who want to improve their grades. NOW is time to help turn educational low performance into academic success.
Certified Pre-K - 12th grade
Turn Academic Failure or Low Grades into Sucess!
Improve Grades and Academic Skills
Turn Academic Failure or Low Grades Into Success!
Improve Grades and Academic Skills
Content copyright 2015. Dianis Education Systems. All rights reserved.